Response from Rosie Cooper MP 18/3/12

Letter to Rosie Cooper MP 12/3/12

Response from Rosie Cooper MP

Letter To Zurich ( Eagle Star )
UK Branch Head Office
The Zurich Centre, 3000
PO15 7JZ
Dear Sir or Madam,
Re-Darbyshire’s Farm, School Lane, Westhead, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L40 6HW Bradford & Bingley Mortgage No. 097A662243F.
Further to the response from your Data Protection Officer (copy enclosed) I am informed that you “you do not hold any personal data” relating to myself and “that a mortgage indemnity policy is actually taken out by your lender for its own protection”.
As the information required is very much pertinent to me I would be grateful if you could provide me with a few basic details regarding this particular mortgage indemnity policy. According to the Bradford & Bingley Building Society, the sum of £13,283, 79 was paid out to them by your predecessor Eagle Star, as a mortgage indemnity guarantee.
Personally, I cannot conceive of any circumstance to legitimise such a payment as there was still equity in the property following the enforced illegal repossession and subsequent sale of Darbyshire’s Farm on 2 October 1998, leaving surplus funds of some £12,500.
Further, at the time when the Bradford & Bingley took over the business of Eagle Star by Transfer of Engagements in 1985, this illegal mortgage account had already admittedly been dead for three years with no transactions recorded on it at all. Previous alleged mortgage repayments recorded from the inception in 1980 until 1982 were bogus.It was resurrected only by Bradford & Bingley's creation of a fraudulent retrospective account in my name in 1985.
I trust you can assist me in this matter. I would particularly like to know, what office made the payment, when was the policy taken out and the date it was paid out. As can be noted from my website I have had an uphill struggle for many years in the attempt to obtain the justice which is my right and I consider myself entitled to the requested information.
Thanking you in anticipation
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Anne Dickson.
Letter To The Ministry of Justice
The Ministry of Justice
102 Petty France,
Dear Sir or Madam,
Further to my previous letters relating to a gross miscarriage of justice against me dated 1/ 19/10 and 12/6/11 and to which I have no response to date from your Department (copies enclosed). As I am led to believe from correspondence received from the Prime Minister’s Office that you have been asked to deal with this matter, I would be grateful if you could inform me of any progress made.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Anne Dickson.
Letter to Rosie Cooper MP
Rosie Cooper
127 Burscough Street
L39 2EP
Dear Ms. Cooper,
Further to my previous letter dated 28th August 2011 (copy enclosed). I understand you must have a busy schedule, I would however be most grateful if you could update me on any progress you have made regarding this matter of injustice against me as highlighted on my website
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Anne Dickson.
Letter to Eagle Star
31 August 2011
Mortgage Indemnity Customer Services Manager
Zurich Life Assurance plc,
Zurich House,
Frascati Road,
Co. Dublin.
Dear Sir or Madam,
Re-Anne Dickson, Darbyshire’s Farm, Westhead, Ormskirk, Lancashire L40 6HW. Bradford& Bingley Mortgage No 097A662243F
I write to you in relation to the Data Protection Act and wish to exercise my legal rights by requesting that you provide me with copies of any documentation your company holds in my name, specifically, regarding a mortgage indemnity guarantee in excess of £13,000 that your predecessor the Eagle Star Insurance Company paid out to the Bradford & Bingley in relation to the above name and address. I require a full explanation of the circumstances relating to this payout.
As you will note from my website we have had an ongoing legal battle for justice, which boils down to the fact that there has never been a legal mortgage in place in my name against the above named property. The illegality was in dispute from the outset and no payments were ever made by ourselves in acknowledgement of same.
The dispute was originally with the Merseyside Building Society Liverpool, the Director and Secretary of that establishment Mr. Donald Llandsbury Laurie indeed, informed me from the outset that the mortgage had been frozen, therefore, the property was not covered by any usual insurance normally provided under a mortgage arrangement and we would have to make that provision ourselves independently, which we did. Consequently, I fail to comprehend how there could have been a Mortgage Indemnity Guarantee taken out against the property in my name.
In particular I would like to know when and by whom the Mortgage Indemnity Guarantee was initiated and also when the £13,000 sum was paid out to the Bradford & Bingley.
Thanking you in anticipation for your assistance in this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. A. Dickson
Letter to Rt Hon Ed Miliband
19th July 2011
Rt Hon Ed Miliband
House of Commons,
Dear Mr Miliband,
As a GMB Member, I gave you my support, when you needed the Trade Union votes. I now find myself in need of some support from you and draw reference to your speech yesterday, that, “The powerful do what they want against the powerless and no one can do anything about it”.
My story is very similar in many ways and involves one of those very institutions, the Bradford & Bingley (now Santander). My full story can be read on my website
It tells of thirty three years of struggle against the Bradford & Bingley and the British Legal System and the chip by chip destruction of my Home and my family’s lives. (A perfect example of the powerless individual, alone and up against the powerful institutions).
As you will see I have pinned all my hopes on many Judges and many appeals over the years only to find myself face to face with a brick wall on every occasion.
I recently wrote to Mr Cameron, after he pledged to “clean up the fraud within the big financial institutions”, I still await a response (correspondence on my website).
“Mrs Dickson, if the court allowed the likes of people like you, to win against the financial institutions, then the whole fabric of society would collapse.”
His Honour Judge G. O. Edwards Q.C.
Chester County Court. 9th June 1998
“I used to be a Conveyance Solicitor for many years and I can see what’s been going on here, there are serious flaws in your argument…there is a serious consideration to make the matter a public issue…report back to your client (Bradford & Bingley) that I am concerned about the whole case and I do not
believe the previous Judges who have ruled, really understand the true implications underlying the case…I do not understand how the Crown Judges have
determined their decision…I am making a note that this case comes back before me.”
District Judge Turner
Preston County Court 3rd November 1998.
I too believe this is a matter of public interest and deserves a public enquiry.
I therefore, ask you for any support and assistance you can give me, in order
that I finally get justice and those responsible are held accountable.
Yours sincerely
Anne Dickson.
Letter to Ministry of Justice
The Ministry of Justice
102 Petty France
12th June 2011
Dear Sir/Madam
I write to you regarding the lack of response from your Department in relation to my website and the kind intervention of Mr. Cameron P.M. requesting that you investigate the evidence therein.
As we have yet to receive any confirmation that you are indeed looking into the matters raised on the site, once again, we have been obliged to write to Mr. Cameron regarding your apparent non-compliance to his request. As far as we are concerned the evidence speaks for itself, in volumes, indicating that we have been maliciously deprived to our right to Justice.
Mr Cameron’s Office initially contacted your Department in January. Therefore, we would appreciate some form of acknowledgment that you now have this matter in hand.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs A.P. Dickson
Recent Letter to Mr. Cameron
12th June 2011
Mr. Cameron. PM
10 Downing Street,
Dear Mr Cameron,
I refer to your letter of 12th January 2011, whereby you indicated you have instructed the Ministry of Justice in this matter and indeed your pledge to clean up fraud and corruption within the UK financial institutions.
As your Government has joint control of the Bradford & Bingley, which clearly needs cleaning up, I now ask for your intervention as Ministry of Justice have refused to acknowledge any instruction from yourself.
My story set out on the website below highlights almost thirty five years of fraud and corruption within the Bradford & Bingley and the subsequent cover up by the English legal system.
My website forms part of my campaign for justice. Justice the courts have refused me, on all occasions.
As you will see, from the evidence contained in the website, this is clearly a matter of public and media interest and through the website has plenty of growing public support, therefore, as Prime Minister, I ask you I for your support and urge you to make this matter the subject of a public enquiry in order that I get the justice I deserve for the crimes committed against me, and the perpetrators brought to task.
I thank you for your support so far and look forward to your response.
Yours sincerely,
A. P. Dickson
Letter to Mr Cameron MP 9th April 2011
Mr. Cameron. PM
10 Downing Street,
Dear Mr Cameron,
I refer to your recent letter of 12th January 2011, whereby you indicated you have instructed the Ministry of Justice in this matter and indeed your pledge to clean up fraud and corruption within the UK financial institutions. As your Government has joint control of the Bradford & Bingley, which clearly needs cleaning up, I now ask for your intervention as Ministry of Justice have refused to acknowledge any instruction from yourself.
Yours sincerely,
A. P. Dickson
Dear Mrs Dickson
Account Number: 013/ 66224305
I refer to your letter of 16 February 2011 addressed our Chief Executive, Mr Richard Banks and acknowledged by my colleague on 18 February 2011. I am now in a position to confirm my understanding of your complaint.
You have stated that the above mortgage account was fraudulently taken out in your name. You feel that we were provided with fraudulent material by Weightmans Solicitors Liverpool and knowingly set up the above mortgage account using fraudulent signatures. You have requested that this is investigated.
You have described our comments that we have no connection with Santander as nonsense. You feel we are being dishonest about this and you would like an explanation. You have also requested an explanation as to where Bradford & Bingley's assets went when we became nationalised in September 2008.
I have completed my investigations into your complaint and I am now in a position to confirm my findings to you.
With regards to your complaint concerning your mortgage account, we have no reason to believe that your mortgage was fraudulently taken out in your name. If you feel your mortgage was fraudulently taken out in your name, this is a matter you will need to take up with the police.
Many Court Cases have taken place regarding a number of matters concerning your mortgage and each has either been upheld in our favour or your allegations have been discarded. I feel I must also add that you have acknowledged ownership of this mortgage in the past, in the Court of Law. We strongly dispute any contention regarding the legality of your mortgage.
If you wish to pursue this matter further I suggest that you seek legal advice. Any further correspondence submitted through a legal representative will be referred to our Legal Department. Any further correspondence received from you with regards to this matter will be filed accordingly and we will not continue to comment on this. Our investigations have been exhausted.
With regards to your comments that we are being dishonest about our connection with Santander, I can assure you that we do not have any connection with them despite what you may believe. Santander purchased the savings side of our business only and are not in business with us. They are completely separate and I can categorically confirm there is
no relationship between Santander savings and Bradford & Bingley mortgages.
With regards to the assets of Bradford & Bingley plc. when Bradford & Bingley plc was taken into public ownership on 29 September 2008, shares transferred to HM Treasury under The Bradford & Bingley plc Transfer of Securities and Property Order (2008).
We instructed Mr Peter Clokey to assess the level of any compensation payable by HM Treasury. After consideration, on 5 July 2010 Mr Clokey issued his Assessment Notice. Mr Clokey determined that no compensation is payable by Her Majesty's Treasury under the Compensation Scheme. On 14 March 2011 Mr Clokey issued a Revised Assessment Notice, he remains of the view that no compensation is payable by Her Majesty's Treasury under the Compensation Scheme. Any further details regarding this matter can be obtained using the details below.
Address: PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
1 Embankment Place
Our investigations into your allegations and your complaint have been fully investigated and I must reiterate that we will not continue to comespond with you on this matter.
I understand that you have previously been to the Financial Ombudsman Service with regards to your concerns. The Financial Ombudsman do not look to review a complaint where the subject matter of a complaint has been the subject of Court Proceedings.
Yours sincerely
On behalf of
Office of the Managing Director
MY RESPONSE 28th March 2011
K Rushton
Office of the Managing Director
Mortgage Express
Croft Road
Crossflatts, Bingley
West Yorkshire
BD16 2UA
Your ref:H55/KR/Charm/101968
Dear Sir or Madam;
Thank you for your letter dated 18 March 2011 and your expected response. I had hoped that with the Government control of Bradford & Bingley and Mr. Cameron’s pledge to “clean up” institutions such as yours, you may have investigated my complaints thoroughly,(although this was not requested in my letter) instead of reiterating previous responses drafted by your legal department, who are indeed, responsible for the entire chain of illegal events.
I will continue to seek my Justice in the public domain.
Response not expected.
Yours sincerely
Mrs. A.P. Dickson
Content of Bradford & Bingley letter, dated 18 February 2011 in response to my 16 February 2011 letter sent to Chief Executive.
Dear Mrs. Dickson,
Thank you for your letter dated16 February 2011, addressed to the Chief Executive.
Mr Banks was concerned by the contents of your letter and, as members of his executive office, has asked us to look into the points you have raised. We expect our enquiries to be completed within 20 working days and will therefore contact you then with a full response.
Your complaint is being investigated under Bradford & Bingley's complaint procedure. Should you be unhappy with our response, our reply will include your referral rights to the Financial Ombudsman Service. A leaflet explaining how this works is enclosed.
Thank you for taking the to contact Bradford & Bingley with your concerns. If there is anything else we can help you with in the meantime, please contact us on the telephone number above.
Yours sincerely
On behalf of
Office of the Managing Director.
Anne says,
This looks like a promising response and I will hope for the best and try to have some trust in basic human decency. We have already past this point once before however, only to culminate in the following response from the Financial Ombudsman Service in December 2008;
"...I would like to explain that our jurisdiction to consider a complaint is determined by the application of the Dispute Resolution Rules laid down in the Financial Service Authority's Handbook. Under our rules we would not look to review a complaint where the subject matter of the complaint has been the subject of court proceedings, where there has been decision made based on the merits of the case..." .
Mr. Banks may well be the first person at Bradford & Bingley to conduct an honest investigation, I hope so anyway.
Content of my letter in response to Bradford & Bingley 21 January letter. Three copies sent recorded delivery 16 February 2011 addressed to Customer Relations, Chairman and Chief Executive respectively
Dear Sir or Madam,
Further to your letter dated the 3 January 2011 in response to a letter which was addressed to Santander UKplc and forwarded to you, I respond as follows.
Regarding your statement that "Santander have no connection with you whatsoever" I consider a nonsense. Bradford & Bingley have always been dishonest from the outset, therefore, whatever you have to say at this late stage in the game, is hardly worth consideration. Further, if the money of which Braford & Bingley defrauded me, did not become assets of Bradford & Bingley shareholders and savers-hence Santander; Where did it go?
You state in your letter that "this matter has been dealt with previously and we have exhausted all avenues of investigation". You created a fraudulent mortgage in my name, which leaves you nothing to investigate. You stand corrected, the action taken by you goes by the term of cover up. It is ourselves and only ourselves (as we gained no information from any of our many instructed solicitors or barristers) who have conducted investigations, as my website documents. Had you truly ever investigated to my benefit, any one of the pieces of fraud highlighted within my website would have caused you consternation and altered the path you chose.
After you created your fraudulent mortgage in my name in late 1985 and following 10 years of "limping along" with an unsubstantiated Court Action against me, with many dirty tricks in between, you decided to use blatantly fraudulent material, provided to you by Weightmans Solicitors, Liverpool, in the attempt to legitimate your action. Your acting Solicitors at the time, Dibb Luptons, Liverpool, informed your legal department of the dubious nature of this material and in particular their concern was that the signatures did not appear to be authentic,they felt it could cause a problem. Dibb Luptons were instructed by you to "go ahead nevertheless", to their absolute disgrace, they did and so you finally got your foothold.
The truth will always be the truth however, hopefully the investigation you refer to as exhausted will now finally be initiated by the Ministry of Justice following their instruction by the Prime Minister himself. In my estimation, the requirement for a fraud such as this, executed deliberately and maliciously against a common and garden law abiding citizen, should merit no less than a full Public Inquiry. The public have the right to openess in relation to how the institutions can operate alongside the Legal Profession in order to Pevert the course of Justice.
I have no doubt, that if I had an asset left to my name, you would covet it and I would be back embroiled in court. But, with your fraud and sham protracted court action, you have successfully determined that I live only in furnished rented accommodation on pension credit.
Both my late husband and my late brother did truly exhaust their investigations, attempting to receive the justice which was our right, sadly to no avail. But institutions go on and on like a perpetual machine and time passes so quickly. Unfortunately for the culprits, I have far from exhausted my investigations. As you are so calculative and I (your last remaining opponent) am already aged seventy, you are probably under the misapprehension, that this last thorn in your side will suddenly fade away. A word to the wise- do not become too complacent- my health appears to be holding up and my descendants are well shcooled to continue were I may leave off.
Darbyshire's Farm, I hope and pray, will prove to be bleaker than Bleak House to Bradford & Bingley and their many accomplices.
Anne Dickson
Content of letter recieved from Bradford & Bingley dated 21st January 2011
Dear Mrs Dickson,
Thank you for your letter dated 3 January 2011, which was addressed to Santander UK plc.
Firstly, I would like to point out that Santander have no connection to us whatsoever. They took over the savings side of our business and are not in business with us or the Government. They are a completely separate company.
I would confirm to you that this matter has been dealt with previously and we have exausted all avenues of investigation.
Yours sincerely
Angela Rogerson
Customer Relations Officer.
Content of letter received from
10 Downing Street dated 12 January 2011
Dear Mrs Dickson
I am writing on behalf of the Prime Minister to thank you for contacting him.
Mr. Cameron is most grateful for the time and trouble you have taken to get in touch and for informing him of your views.
The Prime Ministers Office has recently received many thousands of pieces of correspondendence, and it has not been possible for this Officeto reply to them all. I can confirm that your earlier correspondence was sent to the Ministry of Justice to reply to, and I have forwarded your further correspondence to them.
Thank you once again, for writing.
Yours sincerely
Mr S Caine
Content of Letter received from Santander
11th January 2011 Santander Complaints
PO Box 5129
Milton Keynes
Dear Mrs Dickson
Thank you for your letter dated 3rd January 2011 addressed to our chief executive, Ms Ana Botin, regarding your complaint.
Abbey acquired the savings sector of Bradford and Bingley and are therefore responsible for these products. Mortgages continue to be serviced by Bradford and Bingley, therefore I have forwarde your letter to them at the following address and asked them to respond to you personally.
If you need to contact Bradford and Bingley please write to them at the following address;-
Customer Relations
Bradfor & Bingley
PO Box 88
Bd 162UA
Tel: 08448922590
They will investigate your complaint and respond directly to you.
Yours sincerely
Richard Harris
Head of Complaints
Exchange correspondence From Santander
Anthony Frost
Head of Corporate Communications
Santander UK plc, 2 Triton Square, Regent's Place, London NW1 3AN
Tel: +44 (0) 207 756 5536 / Mob: +44 (0) 7979 245715
Dear Mr Frost,
Thank you for your email dated 7th January. I was however, disappointed to note that I had not been afforded the courtesy of a response from Ms. Boltin to whom my letter was addressed, as I had perceived Ms. Boltin best positioned to evaluate the issues involved. As you may note from my website I have also written to both leaders of Government.
I respond to your comments as follows, the injustice perpetrated against me by the Bradford & Bingley Building Society plc was not orchestrated by only one part of that institution. At no time did I have a mortgage with them and the illegal repossession they fraudulently conducted, afforded them a substantial sum of my money.
I am in no position to differentiate regarding the high profile division of the Bradford & Bingley Plc between yourselves and the Government. The illegal repossession of my property took place prior to any merger and I assume that, the money of which I was defrauded contributed to Bradford & Bingley assets and shareholders.
Therefore I have no alternative but continue with my public campaign until someone finds the decency to resolve matters.
Yours sincerely,
Anne Dickson
On Jan 7, 2011 09:41 "Frost, Anthony" <> wrote:
Dear Mrs Dickson
Your letter addressed to Ms Botin has come to my attention. I also understand from our branch staff and your website that you have been distributing leaflets outside Santander branches highlighting your plight with Bradford & Bingley.
While I am
sorry that you are experiencing difficulties with them the accusations levelled at Santander are misplaced and incorrect.
Santander did not purchase the mortgage business of Bradford & Bingley. We purchased the savings business and branch network, which we subsequently rebranded to Santander. The mortgage business has remained under Government control and continues to operate as Bradford & Bingley. As a result the decision to repossess your property would have been taken by the part of Bradford & Bingley not purchased by Santander and so we are not in a position to help you as we have no responsibility for this area of Bradford & Bingley’s business.
I appreciate you will have already contacted Bradford & Bingley but you may wish to try its press office again on 01274 554 042 and ask them to look into this further.
In the meantime, I must ask you remove all references to Santander from your website and issue no further leaflets which include our name. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Anthony Frost
Head of Corporate Communications
Santander UK
Letter sent today to Ana Patricia Botin C.E.O.
Santander UK plc (Santander) Registered Office:
3rd January 2011
Ana Patricia Botin C.E.O.
Santander UK plc (Santander) Registered Office: 2 Triton Square,
Regent’s Place, London NW1 3AN, United Kingdom.
Dear Madam,
I take the liberty of writing to you direct on the assumption that you failed to receive my e-mail of 5th November 2010 as I have had no response to date.
I would like to draw your attention to my web site which is self explanatory, revealing with supportive proof that, the Bradford & Bingley Building Society, without question did indeed obtain an illegal repossession of my home by fraudulently creating a mortgage account in my name. They went on to conceal crucial evidence, commit perjury and knowingly misrepresent the facts through the courts.
As Santander and Government, are now joint ownership of the Bradford & Bingley, it follows that the onus for this gross injustice lies with yourselves and Government. Meanwhile, until such time as positive action has been taken, we are left with no alternative but to continue with our campaign, which includes the distribution of leaflets to Sandander branches and customers in order to raise awareness.
I trust you may look into my complaints relating to your predecessors and look forward to hearing from you.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. A.P. Dickson
Recent Correspondence between The PM, The Ministry of Justice and Myself
17th December 2010
Mr. Cameron. PM
10 Downing Street,
Dear Mr. Cameron P.M.
Further to my letter dated 4/7/10 and your response dated 1/9/10 (copies enclosed).
My letter outlined many issues relating to the fraudulent misrepresentation through the courts by the Bradford & Bingley Building Society, whereby that institution gained possession of my home illegally. I wrote to you in your position as being in overall control of that institution.
The response received from your office informed me that it had been decided “..The Ministry of Justice is best placed to respond to the matters you raise… I am forwarding your letter and enclosures to them…”. After some time I became concerned that I had not received confirmation from that body if they were in fact dealing with my complaint.
I contacted them accordingly to be told that they could “find no trace of your complaint..”. I find it disturbing, that my substantial bundle of documents sent to your office can go astray like that at such a high level and would appreciate it if you could locate them and confirm they are indeed with the intended recipient.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. A.P. Dickson
Dear Benny,
I was surprised that you did not find any trace of my complaint as the copy letter herein from the Prime Ministers Direct Office clearly shows
this was the intended action. My complaints are detailed on the "story" page of my website
I will write again to Mr Cameron, it appears his instructions have been overlooked.
Anne Dickson
On Dec 13, 2010 14:59 "Customer Services (CSHQ)" <CUSTOMERSERVICECSHQ@HMCOURTS-SERVICE.GSI.GOV.UK> wrote:
Dear Madam,
Thank you for your email. I cannot find any trace of having received your letter. We aim to respond to complaints within 15 days. Is it possible you can sent your complaint electronically
Benny Stone Complaint Handling and Enquiries Team
Customer Service Division 1st Floor 1.41 102 Petty France London SW1H 9AJ
10/12/10 Email Today sent to the Ministry of Justice
Dear Sir or Madam,
I was informed by the office of Mr. Cameron P.M. that they had forwarded my complaint dated 1/9/10 to your Department as, "... the issues raised therein were best dealt with by the Ministry of Justice".
To date, we have had no response from yourselves regarding your stance on the many issues highlighted with proof within my account on this website.
I trust you may already be conducting primary investigation of the matters raised and would appreciate official acknowledgement that, you are in fact dealing with my complaint in some way.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Anne Dickson.
1/12/10 Disappointing Response from European Court of Human Rights
Disappointing, but hey, I am used to legal disappointments. I am surprised however, at the six month limitation period allowed from the Court of Appeal Hearing, which took place in April 1998, bearing in mind, that a major part of my Application to the European Court of Human Rights, was in relation to crucial withheld evidence throughout the Possession Proceedings.
Bradford & Bingley Building Society never disclosed this evidence. The documents arrived within a list of irrelevant documents in January 2001; three years after the said Court of Appeal Hearing! (clever Bradford & Bingley, you revealed and off-loaded some of your fraudulent evidence only when you believed it to be too late to incriminate you!!!). The evidence in question consists of the hand written, retrospective and fraudulent mortgage source documents.
We did in fact make an Application to the European Court of Human Rights within the six month limitation period, it was received by them on the "16 October 1998 (following the traumatic few months post eviction) and... registered by the 10 November 1998..." the Application to be considered as "being introduced on the 16 October...". We are writing to them regarding this oversight. At the time Bradford & Bingley were considered as being beyond their Juristiction being a Financial Insitution, therfore an independant body. Now Bradford & Bingley are essentially under the umbrella of Government.
We will now reassess our situation taking into account Bradford & Bingley's own statement "there is no limitation in respect of any fraud or fraudulent breach of trust".
I trust The Ministry of Justice are now investigating this matter following the recent intervention of Mr. Cameron P.M. We still await a response from them.
Meanwhile, I marvel at the rapid growth in the readership of the website. Who knows? the site itself may precipitate the desired Public Inquiry or a fair trial.
Thank you for your continued interest, it means a lot to me.
Email re-sent today 05/11/10 to
Ana Patricia Botin , Chief Executive of Santdander
For the attention of António Horta-Osório, Chief Executive
Dear António Horta-Osório,
Because of your prominent position as being overall head of Bradford and Bingley, I take the time to write to you in the hope that you may after visiting my website feel compelled to investigate the many issues raised therein. Re: Bradford & Bingley's creation of a fraudulent Mortgage account in my name.
Meanwhile we will continue vigorously with our campaign of distributing the leaflets referred to on the site, to branches of Santander and its customers, nationwide.
I realise you did not create this problem but I know you are in a position to correct it.
I may be contacted through the site.
Yours sincerely,
Anne Dickson
01/11/10 UPDATE
Mr. Carder, referred to in my story on page 58, is now holding the Bradford & Bingley to account regarding the misuse of his money in the sum of £16,000 which they chose to use in order to fund a Court Action I had brought against them, whereas, I had called for them to prove their accounts following the illegal repossession of my property.
Mr. Carder, has served a notice on the Bradford & Bingley on the 22/10/10 to be answered within 28 days which calls on them to fully explain why they did this. Mr. Carder had a Legal Charge against the property and the surplus funds following the sale legally and rightfully belonged to him, he was nothing whatsoever to do with myself.
Following legal intervention recently Mr. Carder was paid £8,500 the sum of which he had supposed had been paid to him from the Bradford & Bingley. Not so, he has now discovered that strangely, the money was actually paid to him out of the Solicitors Indemnity Fund. He tells me that the total of the surplus funds was used by the Bradford & Bingley to Defend their Action against me.
Email sent today 29/10/10 to
António Horta-Osório, Chief Executive of Santdander
For the attention of António Horta-Osório, Chief Executive
Dear António Horta-Osório,
Because of your prominent position as being overall head of Bradford and Bingley, I take the time to write to you in the hope that you may after visiting my website compelled to investigate the many issues raised therein. Re: Bradford & Bingley's creation of a fraudulent Mortgage account in my name.
Meanwhile we will continue vigorously with our campaign of distributing the leaflets referred to on the site, to branches of Santander and its customers, nationwide.
I realise you did not create this problem but I know you are in a position to correct it.
I may be contacted through the site.
Yours sincerely,
Anne Dickson
I have recently posted this letter with a photograph to a number of nationwide news papers.
October 2010
I am writing this letter in the hope that I may gain some media attention to a fraud that was committed by Bradford and Bingley Building Society (B&B) and used to take possession a widows home.
Although this fraud was committed in 1986 it remained unchallenged until 1997 at which time B&B began to lie in a bid to keep the truth out of any court hearings. By 2001 it was emerging that numerous documents were not what B&B had claimed them to be and I have continued to scrutinize them to date.
Each time any argument had been put before the courts B&B have argued to have the case struck out, thereby preventing any examination of the figures that highlight the fraud and conspiracy that is now so obvious.
In a bid to get B&B to discuss this account openly Mrs. Dickson (the widow concerned) and I decided that an attempt to let more of the staff in B&B aware of her plight may be of some assistance. We had a leaflet printed in summer 2007 which we distributed to all of the cars in the car park of B&B,s head office at Bingley Yorkshire. This had limited success in that we were invited in whilst somebody was made available to look at figures. The result of that examination was an admisssion that the figures could not be calculated but B&B would not be prepared to discuss them any further. Meanwhile security had removed the leaflets from the car park.
In 2010 we had more leaflets printed, these came in two parts and were disributed over two weeks to as many people leaving work at B&B as possible; this resulted in three security personnel in the street attempting to retrieve leaflets from drivers.I have enclosed a copy of those leaflets for your perusal along with a photograph of Mrs. Dickson outside B&B. On the back of part1, headed (Bradford & Bingley Building Society Fraud & Conspiracy) is a copy of an original draft mortgage statement of account.
In part 1. I have attempted to attach some sort of reasoning as to why B&B may have felt compelled to fabricate the figures on this document along with many others. I believe, the fact that Mrs. Dickson can hand out these leaflets with impunity reveals the truth of a very sordid affair.It is my hope that questions raised by a journalist of some note, may get better attention from more senior personnel than I appear to be able to contact.
Bob Clegg
Steps taken
On the 10th July 2010 both Prime Minister Mr David Cameron and Deputy Prime Minister Mr Nick Clegg have been sent a detailed account of my case with supporting evidence.Hopefully given their overall control of the Bradford and Bingley they can exact some truths from this institution.
Great News!
We received acknowledgement on the 20th July 2010 from the European Court of Humam Rights that they are now in the process of dealing with my case.
We distributed leaflets 1. and 2. outside of Bradford & Bingley head office on the 29th June 2010 and yesterday the 6th July 2010. We took adavantage of the large number of employees going home. We also distributed our leaflets around the Yorkshire area.
We would like to thank everyone who took our leaflets, for their support. The many supportive comments were greatly appreciated; we needed that.
Bradford & Bingley were given the opportunity to speak with us before we took this initiative, but declined our offer, they chose instead to call the police in an attempt to curtail our efforts.
We would like to thank the police who gave a true assessment of the situation and after reading our leaflets, told us to "carry on".
I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Bob Clegg, my brother, the person who has drove this campaign against great odds. Bob was the only person to have uncovered the fraud in Bradford & Bingleys figures and has dedicated many years to resolve the issue. Any legal bodies, who must have known, have shielded the Bradford & Bingley. Thanks Bob, would have been lost without you.
I would like to know if anybody has a story to tell
Relating to their home being repossessed by the
Bradford and Bingley.
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